AV Dental Associates Of Jersey City

3 Things to Remember About Visiting an Emergency Dentist Without Dental Insurance

July 10, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — avdds @ 6:18 pm
Female patient visiting the emergency dentist

When your tooth is in severe pain, it’s obvious what the ideal next step is: reach out to your dentist for an emergency appointment. But if you don’t have dental insurance, then you might be reluctant to pick up the phone. Can you really afford to get your smile the care it needs even without an insurance plan? To answer this question, here are 3 important things to keep in mind.


Don’t Be Embarrassed About Getting Dental Implants

June 8, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — avdds @ 3:15 pm
Man in grey shirt smiling with his arms folded

A missing tooth can leave your smile looking less than its best, and your oral health is likely to suffer. Your dentist might suggest getting dental implants to fill any gaps. Some patients are reluctant to have implant posts placed out of embarrassment. However, doing what’s best for your grin is never something to be ashamed of! Here’s why you can hold your head high when you choose dental implants for tooth replacement.


How Should You Care for ClearCorrect Aligners?

May 4, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — avdds @ 7:05 am
A woman wearing ClearCorrect aligners

So, you’ve started using ClearCorrect aligners on your teeth. You likely feel excited – after all, your new treatment could straighten your smile quickly! That said, you must care for the trays if you want them to stay functional. You’ll face treatment delays or oral issues otherwise. Luckily, your Jersey City dentist can help you on that front. To that end, here are four crucial ways to maintain your ClearCorrect trays over time.


3 Things You May Not Know About CEREC Dental Crowns

April 10, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — avdds @ 8:42 pm
cerec dental crown being milled

Dental crowns are one of the most popular restorative treatments but have long suffered from the drawback of needing to be milled in a lab. This can add a week or two of time to what is otherwise a fairly simple procedure.

However, many dental offices use CEREC machines, which are capable of milling dental crowns on-site in a fraction of the time! If you want to know more about this incredible dental technology, here are three things that may surprise you about it.


Use These 6 Tips to Get Used to Eating with Dentures

March 9, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — avdds @ 2:13 pm
Smiling senior man enjoying a slice of pizza

While you were in the process of getting dentures, you may have looked forward to the future with eager anticipation. Perhaps you were particularly excited about being able to consume all of your favorite foods again. However, now that you have your dentures, perhaps using them is not as easy as you anticipated. How can you adjust? Use these tips to get used to eating with dentures:


5 Things to Look for in an Emergency Dentist

February 3, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — avdds @ 11:32 pm

Woman with toothache at emergency dentistNo one ever expects a dental emergency to happen to them, but 1 in 6 Americans require urgent care from a dentist every year. If a toothache or oral injury has interrupted your day, time is of the utmost importance, or a small issue can turn into a big problem. Although you’ll find many dentists near you, not all will be right for you. Here are 5 things to look for in an emergency dentist to get the care you need in a hurry. 


What’s the Difference Between Crowns and Fillings? 

December 15, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — avdds @ 12:42 am
Woman with glasses and striped shirt thinking

If you have ever had a cavity or a severely decayed tooth, he may have gotten a dental crown or filling to repair it. Many people are aware of these treatments but don’t know what the difference is. Though both of these treatments are used to restore damaged smiles, there are some important differences to note. Continue reading to learn about the difference between crowns and fillings


Cosmetic Dentistry and Fads

October 15, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 10:31 am

While some fashion fads are okay to follow steering clear of cosmetic dentistry fads is probably a good idea. It’s a good idea because those cosmetic dentistry trends could actually cause harm to your teeth and gums.

Going with a professional for cosmetic dentistry keeps your teeth and gums beautiful and healthy. According to AV Dental Associates of Jersey City anything that can alter your jaw is a potential for disaster.


Cosmetic Dentistry better for overall health

October 1, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 9:57 pm

Give the gift of cosmetic dentistry to yourself; go on, you deserve it. Not only do you deserve it, but it is better for your health as well.

Crooked, tipped and chipped teeth won’t do your teeth and gums any favors. In addition, they won’t do your body any good either.

While some aren’t convinced there is a link between oral and overall health, the evidence is there.


DIY Dentistry are you kidding

September 15, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 9:59 pm

While the internet has made things easier it doesn’t mean you should always comply. In other words if you are finding yourself attracted to DIY dentistry avoid it at all costs.

Avoid it because according to AV Dental Associates Jersey City joining the craze could cause issues with your teeth and gums. In fact, some DIY online treatments can actually permanently harm your jawbone.

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