Compared to other forms of tooth replacement, dental implants certainly stand out in terms of strength and durability. This is a major reason why dentists often suggest them for patients who are missing one or multiple teeth. However, you may find yourself wondering how they compare to your natural smile. Could dental implants be stronger than real teeth? Your dentist is here to answer this question.
The Strength of Dental Implants
The dental implant process relies entirely on the bond that the implant posts form with your jawbone, which is thanks to a natural process called osseointegration. Due to this bond, your dental implants will be completely immobile, staying right where they are while you perform everyday tasks like speaking and chewing.
The support that your dental implants receive from your jawbone makes them stronger than your natural teeth. On top of that, the implant posts are made out of titanium, which means they are much less likely to break compared to tooth enamel. (Bear in mind, though, that the restoration supported by your dental implants can still be damaged.)
What Other Benefits Do Dental Implants Offer?
One notable advantage is that dental implants are not susceptible to decay the way enamel is. You still need to keep them clean in order to prevent gum disease, but you will not have to worry about your implant-supported replacement teeth developing cavities.
Furthermore, the stability of dental implants will allow you to eat all kinds of foods. This includes steak and other meals that are often tough to chew for people with traditional dentures.
Finally, dental implants are unmatched as a long-term solution for missing teeth. Normally, a traditional bridge or denture might last around 10 years before a replacement is required. Dental implants tend to last significantly longer; some even have lifespans exceeding 30 years. Remember, the care you give your dental implants is a major factor in determining how long you’ll be able to keep them.
Are Dental Implants Right for Me?
Did you lose a tooth recently? Or do you have a tooth that’s still in your mouth but has become badly damaged to the point where there’s no option but to remove it? In these circumstances, you may be able to get dental implants if:
- You are healthy enough for dental implant surgery.
- You’re in good oral health overall.
- You have plenty of bone tissue in your jaw.
Your dentist can help you decide whether dental implants are a good fit for you. They can also answer any questions you may have about the procedure and what you can expect from your new teeth.
About the Practice
Here at AV Dental Associates of Jersey City, our dental experts love working with so many different patients and bringing them relaxing, reliable care. We are able to complete the entire dental implant process in-office, and that includes the surgery to place the implant posts in your jaw. To schedule an appointment with us, visit our website or call (201) 484-7759.