AV Dental Associates Of Jersey City

Should You Visit the ER for a Dental Emergency? Here’s What to Consider

October 7, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — avdds @ 8:24 pm
Patient holding their cheek due to a dental emergency

When you’re faced with a dental emergency, it can be scary and confusing, especially when you’re in pain. This can make the decision whether to head straight to the emergency room or contact your dentist difficult. While most dental issues can be handled by your dentist, there are specific cases when a trip to the ER is necessary. But when? Continue reading to learn more about dental emergencies and when you should entrust your mouth to the ER.


Dealing with a Dental Emergency? Here’s What You Can Expect

September 9, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — avdds @ 8:38 pm
Patient anxious at dental emergency appointment

If you’ve ever had a toothache, you know how stressful a dental emergency can be. Between the throbbing pain and the panic of finding a dentist on short notice, the experience can be downright anxiety-inducing. Getting proper care is necessary to help you find relief, but what will your dentist do when you get there? Here’s what you can expect when you visit a dentist for a dental emergency.


Three Tips for Preventing Dental Emergencies

August 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — avdds @ 4:14 am
Someone holding their cheek in pain

Dental emergencies refer to oral health problems that are so urgent that they require immediate attention from a dentist, like serious toothaches, broken dental work, or even tooth that have fallen completely out of socket.

While many of these issues can seem like they came out of nowhere, the fact is that many of the most common dental emergencies are the result of mounting issues just now coming to a head. On the bright side, this means that there are steps you can take to stop dental emergencies before they get started. If you’re curious, here are some tips that can potentially help you!


Ranking 3 Types of Denture Adhesives: Which One is the Best?

July 3, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — avdds @ 3:42 pm
denture adhesives on shelves in a department store

Denture adhesives are utilized by millions to add security and stability to their restorations, but if you’re new to the adhesives world, it can be difficult to decide which brand and type is best for you. Read on to learn about the differences and unique benefits of powder, strips, and cream denture adhesive and find the best type for your needs.


Chew Carefully: 3 Foods You Shouldn’t Eat with Dentures

June 4, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — avdds @ 8:55 pm
An elderly woman trying to eat an apple with dentures

Dentures work pretty well as replacements for lost and missing teeth. Once they’re in your mouth, they can restore your full smile, your ability to speak clearly, etc. However, these restorations don’t have the same chewing power as natural teeth. You can’t depend on them to help you reliably chew certain foods. If you need examples of these items, your Jersey City dentist can share a few. Read on to learn three foods you shouldn’t eat with dentures.


When Teeth Rub the Wrong Way: How to Get Rid of Denture Sores

May 9, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — avdds @ 8:51 am
An older man suffering from denture sores

Dentures really do work well as replacement teeth. Still, they may irritate your mouth’s gums at times. This irritation can lead to painful sores that affect your daily life. However, these aching areas don’t have to hold you back. There are various options for relieving and reversing them. Your Jersey City dentist will even share them with you. To that end, here’s a primer on how to get rid of denture sores and when to consider dental care for them.


Stuck on Your Smile: How to Easily Remove Your Clear Aligners

April 5, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — avdds @ 9:39 am
A woman removing her clear aligner trays from her smile

As you may know, aligner trays are removable. They’re made to be taken off when you eat meals or clean your smile. However, what if you struggle to take them from your teeth? Are you just stuck with the aligners for the rest of your life? That’s not the case – there are ways to remove the trays more easily. Your Jersey City dentist will even share some of these tricks. So, here’s a primer on how to remove your clear aligners.


Clear Aligners & Teeth Grinding: Is It Possible for the Two to Coexist?

March 18, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — avdds @ 4:28 pm
a woman clenching her jaw in her sleep

Bite misalignment, crowded and gapped teeth, and other orthodontic issues can keep you from having the aligned, healthy smile that you want. These problems can also lead to secondary conditions like bruxism, or teeth grinding, that may not seem compatible with clear aligner orthodontic treatments like ClearCorrect. So, where do you go from here? You may be surprised to learn that teeth grinding and clear aligners can actually be compatible.


My Clear Aligners Are Turning Yellow: What Should I Do?

February 9, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — avdds @ 3:16 am
patient holding an Invisalign tray

Invisalign is a popular orthodontic treatment using clear aligners to straighten teeth without metal braces. These custom aligners are nearly invisible, offering a comfortable and discreet way to improve your smile. But if you’ve noticed your Invisalign trays becoming less clear or stained, it can affect how your smile looks. In this guide, we’ll look at why this happens and share simple tips to keep your trays clean and clear for the best results.


Believe It or Not: 4 Tooth Extraction Myths, Debunked!

January 3, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — avdds @ 3:33 pm
a woman touching her cheek and pondering

Are you experiencing issues with a painful or damaged tooth? If it puts the rest of your oral health at risk, you might need to get it extracted. Though this procedure may be viable and the last resort for keeping your smile safe, many misconceptions about it could cause you to second guess undergoing the process. The truth, however, isn’t so scary! Keep reading to learn the truth behind some of the most common myths about tooth extractions.

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